Monday, May 19, 2008

Summer 2008

Well, here we go. It's time for summer again. And what does this summer bring? Unfortunately, it doesn't bring any trips to El Salvador...well, at least not with HELP International, but possibly later on for my own little trip which would be fabulous. We shall see. But, that doesn't mean there isn't anything to talk about right?

First things first. I got a new job. I am now working with LDS Philanthropies in the Humanitarian Aid center. It's great. I'm officially a full time employee, I have health and dental and LIFE insurance. Crazy huh? The commute isn't very enjoyable, BUT, I'm going to be moving to Salt Lake in the Fall so I can do anything for a summer.

I'm also living back at Raintree for the summer. I figure that I've been an "honorary" member for so long that I figured I should finish off in "style" and as an official member. It has been a lot of fun, I have a great bunch of roommates and a bunch of great friends that keep everything even more fun and interesting!

But here we go, I'm trying a new thing out...a SHORT post! We'll see if I can do it more often...(like you've never heard that one before right?)


Leohtbaere said...

Yea, finally!

Congratulations on the job, Rach.

Kathy said...

Hi Rach - I assume in your blog you meant I am "now" working with... You put I am "not" working with... At first I thought something had gone wrong and you had changed jobs but further reading makes me think it was just a typo. Anyway, enjoy!

Kathy said...

I just sent a message and it came as "Kathleen" that is ok but you know me as Kathy Harker.

Ryan and Sarah said...


Wow. You are doing so many fun things with life. Good for you. I am totally jealous. Wouldn't it be fun to get our friends together sometime and reminisce? You're great.
